/* 全局变量 */ window.siteInfo = { member: { status: 'CLOSE', }, seo: { verifyCode: 'OPEN', }, language_code: '', checkIP: '0', shopping: { shoppingCart: 0, }, water_info:{ waterController:'CLOSE',// 水印开关,OPEN开,CLOSE关闭 } }; window.fanyi = { 'ok': 'Ok', // 弹窗:好的 'hide': 'hide', // 弹窗:隐藏 'prompt': 'Prompt', // 弹窗:提示 's_c_d_y': 'yes',// 弹窗:确定 's_c_d_n': 'no',// 弹窗:取消 'not_empty': 'Do not allow empty', // 表单验证:不能为空 'format_email': 'Please enter a valid e-mail format', // 表单验证:邮箱格式不正确 'format_password': 'Password at least 6', // 表单验证:密码格式不正确 'format_pwdAgain': 'Password inconsistency', // 表单验证:新旧密码不一致 'special_character': 'Existence of special characters', // 表单验证:非法字符 'format_integer': 'Please enter a valid number format',// 表单验证:数字格式不正确 'send_failed': 'Send failed', // 询盘:发送失败 'aisubtitle': 'Submit successfully', // 询盘:提交成功 'being_processed': 'Being Processed',// 询盘:处理中 'You_need_to_upload_files': 'You need to upload files', // 附件上传:不能为空 'inquire_attach_uploading': 'When uploading files, please wait a few minutes patiently. Do not close the web page or disconnect the network!', // 附件上传:文件上传中 'up_file_tips': 'Support formats:PDF、Word、Excel、Txt、JPG、PNG、BMP、GIF、RAR、ZIP,It is recommended to upload up to 5, and the single size must not exceed 20M.',// 附件上传:附件大小与格式的要求提示 'please_open_with_another_browser': 'Please open with another browser', // 低级浏览器提示 };